Vollara Air and Surface Pro Plus / PureActive Aerus Pure & Clean
In an effort to make our restaurant as safe as possible, we have purchased several Vollara Air and Surface Pros that are now scattered around all areas of the building! This new device will allow us to clean the air and surfaces in the restaurant before all staff and customers arrive.
The patented ActivePure® Certified Space Technology recently demonstrated a 99.98% surface kill rate of SARS-CoV-2 virus (the novel coronavirus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic) within 7 hours, in tests completed in an independent FDA-compliant lab. This disinfection system is the safest, fastest and most powerful surface and air-purification technology available that minimizes recontamination and cross contamination in real-time without the use of chemicals or ozone.
Below is some additional information about the product.
For additional information about the purifier and how to get one, please contact Greg Dubetz greg.dubetz@gigtimellc.com